A Guide To Key Management System

The key management system has gained popularity in recent years owing to its ability to simplify the control and management of physical keys. It makes it possible for offices to secure, track, and distribute actual keys.

But here's the question: what are the issues it addresses, and do you need it?

Despite the availability of numerous innovative security systems, most organisations continue to rely heavily on traditional locks and keys at their premises. Most companies deploy electronic access devices only on the most critical doors and use mechanical locks on most doors and lockers. The main reason is that it is a less expensive security tool than electronic control devices. However, the improper management and control of the keys is a major concern for the companies adopting mechanical locks. Employees wasting hours looking for lost keys, theft, and unauthorised access are common issues in large firms. These issues push companies to deploy a physical key management system for storing and distributing keys.

What is a Key management system?

A key management system enables you to store, track and manage physical keys. In short, it enhances the safety of valuable resources by securing their keys.

The system includes key cabinets, a smart terminal, key fobs, and management software. The key cabinet is a secure storage location for keys. Users need to authenticate themselves at an associated terminal to use these cabinets. The key fob helps in tracking the keys with the help of sensors. Software is another component that allows users to monitor and control how their staff uses keys.

Types of Key Management Systems

Key management comes under three categories based on the type of door used: solid door, transparent door, and no door system. These are the three options; you should consider before deploying a key management system. You can choose any of them based on different factors such as number of employees, number of keys and required level of security.

Why Does Your Office Need a Physical Key Management System?

Robust Access Control

A company needs to develop a robust access control to secure areas, lockers and equipment. It aids in preventing employees from entering rooms they are not authorised to enter. Furthermore, implementing a system makes your staff fully accountable for keys in their possession.

Cost Reduction

In the event of lost keys, a company is responsible for direct costs such as purchasing replacement keys or rekeying locks. In addition, it also incurs indirect costs because employees waste time looking for keys and replacing them, lowering productivity.

Better Risk Management

Every company is well aware of the risks associated with unauthorised access to the keys. Furthermore, it is difficult to determine which employee uses which key and when. A key management system provides you with peace of mind by keeping a transaction log to track the keys.

Bottom line

A physical key management system is all you need to secure keys to avoid the trouble caused by missing keys. The companies investing in key management reap benefits like enhanced security, high productivity and peace of mind. The adoption of Key management systems is to increase in various industries such as healthcare, education, Airline auto dealers, finance, military & defence, retail, hotels & hospitality.

If you are looking for an effective key management system, you can go for Mivanta. It offers a wide range of Key management systems with attractive features like fingerprint authentication, touch screen and remote control.